Maps of Being
“Show me your Original Face, the face you had before your parents were born.”
— Zen Koan
Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and Tarot are potent tools for self-reflection, each offering a unique path toward deeper self-awareness and alignment with your true essence. Together, they form a comprehensive map—one that guides you inward, where answers are found not in external approval, but in your own inner wisdom and authority.
These offerings encourage you to trust your internal guidance system and rediscover your natural gifts. In our work together, I aim to help you reconnect with the essence of who you are beneath societal conditioning, inherited patterns, and life’s expectations. By engaging with these tools, you can uncover the authentic self that has always been within, reclaiming your innate strengths and unique magic.
Each tool serves as a compass, illuminating different aspects of your inner landscape:
Astrology: Maps the psyche, helping you understand the archetypes and patterns that shape your life. It allows you to engage more consciously with the characters of your soul and the cycles of your growth.
Human Design: Provides a blueprint of your energetic makeup, offering practical insights into how you’re naturally designed to interact with the world, make aligned decisions, and thrive authentically.
Gene Keys: Guides you through a contemplative journey, revealing pathways for personal growth and transformation by embracing both the light and shadow aspects of your being.
Tarot: Acts as a mirror to the present moment, offering intuitive guidance and wisdom from the unconscious, attuning you to the energies and opportunities surrounding you.
Through this work, my role is not to provide you with answers but to serve as a guide, helping you navigate these maps and uncover the truths already within you. This is an invitation to explore your unique path with courage, creativity, and clarity, living in alignment with your authentic self.
A celestial map reflecting patterns of personality and life path
Human Design
A blueprint for living based on ancient and modern science
Gene Keys
A contemplative personal development system
A self-reflection tool revealing insights into our subconscious
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
— Martha Graham

Book a consultation.
All consultations are designed with you in mind, we may discuss Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, or a combination. It is your time to use as you see fit. Sessions are intuitive, flexible, and custom to fit your goals.